Saturday, August 7, 2010

Not quite there, but close.

Today was the infamous move-in day that I've counted down to for months. It wasnt that spectacular, or at least not as I imagined. I still have one more week at home and the room isn't quite together yet, hopefully next weekend ties together the loose emotions.

Let me describe for you my future/present home.

The building looks small on the outside, it is cream in color and rather dull to look at. It is situated directly across from some of the most magnificent buildings I have really ever been near. They aren't architecturally great or anything just beautiful. The building was once an old hotel, so that explains the front door(or sliding doors). There is a round-about where you can be dropped off or drop off, etc. The sliding door opens automatically as you would expect, but the difference is in the second sliding door. You have to walk over to the far wall and swipe an ID card to allow access. All this while simultaneously stepping in front of the motion detector to open the door, if this isn't done in a matter of seconds you must repeat the process.

Inside is what you typically find in an old hotel. There is a concierge desk to the left and another on the right. There is a door before the second desk that leads to mailboxes(this is how you know it is no longer a hotel). The elevators are down the hall and around the corner(typical). There is a set of stairs that lead to the Mezzanine Level. On this lever there is a "study" lounge and a weight room. I don't think I will use either, though the idea is valid. To use the elevator or stairs for that matter you must swipe your card again and wait for the green light and then hit the "up" button. Why you must do this escapes me, I mean if you got into the building, you must belong there, and on the off chance that you don't, then you will just keep following the same person up the elevator (DUH!).

My room. It is located on the 3rd floor. There are signs on the wall after exiting the elevator that point in the direction of your room number(again a reminder of former hotel life). My room happens to be in the corner at the far left end of the building. This I don't mind, simply because it isn't going to experience a ton of traffic and it happens to be a little more private. Each room has a hotel "door knob" that has the option for swiping a card or using a key. No worries folks I have a key. When you open the door you are faced with a closet. Once inside you can look to your right and find a sink and then the bathroom door, where there is another sink. I really am confused by the two sinks but oh well right? Under the sink were two trash cans, which I came to understand as being for recycling. Anyone who knows me knows that I have finally found my home. The store across the street even charges for plastic bags! Now I know I'm in the right place. Back to the room, after the initial view of the bathroom you are drawn to the fact that there are two closets. Then the fridge. I take pride in this simply because it is not the baby fridge you get freshman year but an actual fridge. With ice. A grown-up fridge if you will. Now I happened to notice not all rooms had this same big fridge, so that makes it even more special. I also have two dressers, they are small and together would be one but I like the not-so-high-off-the-ground feel. Then there is a desk, of course, and this is also special to me. It is my first ever left-handed desk. That may not sound great to everyone, but to someone who is left-handed and has always had a desk for right-handed people, it is very special. You may be thinking "big deal, it's a left-handed desk, like that makes a difference" oh but it does. Instead of having to completely twist in my seat to write and use the computer I can simply stay in the same comfortable position for both. Next time you sit at your desk, notice how easy it is and then try to do it from a left-handed angle, you will soon understand. Okay, enough about the desk. My bed. Is a disappointment compared to the fridge and desk. It is a twin. Which I had all my life, but have recently gotten used to a full. Oh well, it is only for one year and I enjoy twins. Now the downfall to my room is that there are no chairs. At all. No place to sit, except for the bed. Now I am not sure why but I feel gypped. Also there is a cool balcony that I am not allowed to go out on. Safety reasons. And I get that, but I'm naturally a safe person and still feel short changed.

Well that is all I can say about my humble abode. I have posted pictures on Facebook of the plain Jane walls and atmosphere. No worries, I will post more when it is all said and done. I don't want in-between photos, just Before and After.

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