Monday, January 18, 2010

I was watching a movie today and there was a line that went something like this : "you dont want love, you want love in a movie". It got me thinking and I have decided I want love in a movie.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My LAST first day...

Today was like any first day, I was nervous yet excited to see everyone again. I made up my mind before I got back that I would make that extra effort to be nice to everyone. And yes it is going to be an effort. I'm honest, sometimes that means I'm mean. I also decided that I needed new faces. Not the same 10 people I see all the time and not necessarily new friends, but new faces. I've been with the same people for 3years now, it's time for a change. No such luck. My first class was full of the same people from last semester's linear algebra class, all math majors. My second class held hope, it's the senior seminar that every major takes, but again no such luck. My roommate is in it with me, which I love because I hate English. Sunshine, from freshman year, is also in there with us. It's nice because I never see him anymore, yet he isn't exactly new to me. The other 14 people in the class were all people I have had the "pleasure" of meeting before. Let's put it this way, I can't escape anyone on this campus. My third and final class of the day was never going to be an opportunity for new faces, it was yet another math class, and I already knew that half of the people in physics and calculus would be in it. Yep, there are 37 of us, and every single person has had at least 3 classes with me before now. My hope of new people is dead. My class tomorrow only has 10 people in it, and Ive been with them since freshman year. I have no chance of a new start. No new opportunities. Maybe it's a good thing Im leaving in May. Im guaranteed new people in grad. school. I just wish I could have one more chance at Longwood. The whole being nice thing may only last until Friday, but at least I'm trying. The ending to my day made me realize that I would never again be nervous at Longwood. That I would never again have to walk to a new class room and hope it was the right one. I will never have another first day. Sad yet exciting. I don't think I'm ready for my next step, but I know Im ready to move on. That may be a contradiction, but it's the honest truth.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Break is almost over. My last semester in undergrad will begin on Monday January 12. Im nervous, not gonna lie, but Im ready. I've worked harder than imaginable to get this far and I deserve the outcome. Im still working on my grad school applications, yes it has taken me a month, and I can honestly say I am almost done. Almost. I need my transcripts and few tweaked personal essays and then I can call it quits.

Right now I am recovering from jet-lag after returning from Las Vegas on Monday. Excuses Excuses. I still havent fully unpacked from that trip and I am expected to be packed to go back to school in less than 4 days. Just to unpack again, all in a span of one week. I dont really have anything to complain about, but it just takes soooooo long.

Well I guess next time I pack will be to move out of my apartment and into another one located near my grad school. Okay I dont want to think about that.