Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Old Maid"

As many of you know, I'm single. I like it that way...most days. I love that I can come and go as I please and I don't have someone adding more stress into my life. I don't have to make sure someone is happy, I just have to look after myself (which is a chore). On the other hand, it would be nice to have someone to comfort me in bad times. Someone who would be there for me through anything. I need that. This year is going downhill fast and there is no one to turn to. In times of stress I'm happy to be single. I've watched my roommate deal with it and I'm thankful it's not me. But in down times, when there is nothing else, I feel that void that a guy could fill.

I'm not saying I need a guy so I'm not bored. I'm saying it's always nice to have that special someone. Always. It's finding him that causes the problems.

I'm so stuck in my own world (Chemistry and classes) that I haven't had the opportunity to go out there and meet someone. I've decided it would be best to find someone who isn't in my bubble. Someone who doesn't understand the world of Chemistry. That would make it easier to relax. I know my standards seem high, but for my well-being I feel it's best. However, as nice as it sounds on paper, I will never get the chance to find him. I'm not being a debbie-downer, I'm being realistic. I only know science majors and I only talk to guys in my classes. I have no outside friends or acquaintances. It's sad but logical (when you spend 10hrs in the science building).

College is the typical time to find the person you are meant to be with. My college career is almost over. Yes, I am going to grad-school, but if I didn't have a life in undergrad why should I assume I'll have one in graduate. The statement is simple: I'm looking. That is all.

"When the sun goes down and the stars come out to play, that's where you'll find me..."

Friday, October 23, 2009

I survived!

So I realize Friday isn't over yet. BUT. I survived. At 7:30pm last night I was finally done with all of my work. That doesn't sound too bad but it was also the first time I had been in my apartment and not in the science building in like 12 hrs. AH!

Now it's the weekend (almost) and I can't wait. Tonight I have no plans and I look forward to just watching movies. Saturday AXΣ is having a Halloween party (a week early bc then everyone comes)! So I am really excited about that one...I'm going to be a witch :)

Welp, I'm now off to my one and only class today!

Monday, October 19, 2009

All I can say is that this week is going to be one hectic week...wish me luck!

Today I have class until 6 and then a meeting at 6
Tomorrow I have a midterm, pchem homework due, research, and an AXE event
Wednesday my portfolio is due, my proposal is due, Linear algebra exam, and Demo show practice
Thursday I have nothing due (yay!) but I have the Demo show to run...oh man
Friday is funday and I cant wait

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So I have finally gotten what everyone on campus has. Go me. It started last Saturday with that pre-sickness achy feeling. Unfortunately I did nothing to prevent it. I spent all day Saturday outside yelling at people (Oktoberfest weekend..I was in charge of the booth). So when I lost my voice and started coughing I just thought it was from over-use. Oh was I wrong. Sunday I woke up with a fever of 100.3, which doesnt seem too bad but the temperature for the flu is usually around 100.4 and higher. Well ever since then I have had a fever off and on and I have been coughing so much my throat is raw and my abs are sore. I'm not even kidding, I WILL have a six pack by the time I recover. Well I have been stuffing myself with meds trying my best to get better. I don't want to go see a Dr. because I don't really trust them (dont ask me why..I just dont).

Many people won't come near me for fear I have swine flu. I'm almost positive I dont, but it's not like I've been tested yet. Wish me luck. If by Friday I am not better I will succumb to the evil that is Dr.