Sunday, May 31, 2009


The sun hates me...really!! I went and spent 3 hours at the pool. I got home to find that I was not just a shade darker but I was 3 shades past purple and I could actually heat things up (a bug was killed when landing on me...due to extreme temperatures). My skin got brighter as the night progressed. By the time I went to bed I was a beautiful rouge. The pain level was extreme as well...I couldnt move my body without friction being torture. I took some pain-killers and managed to get adequate sleep. I woke this morning and the beautiful rouge had decreases to a rosy pink. The pain is still there and the color is undeniable but at least I am no longer white. I have yet to go outside today due entirely to the fact that I will be competing with the sun on who is emitting more heat. Im serious. I could probably roast a burger on my thigh. I have yet to try but I actually might. My cat wont sit on my lap or come too close..I dont blame her. Im HOT and not necessarily in a good way.

I feel as though the outdoors will be offlimits. At least for awhile anyway.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am back and recovered from my amazing trip to Ireland. We were on the run all day every day. We covered every part of the tiny country; North, South, East, and West!

I had the best time and wish I could still be there. No worries and no plans!

I have come to the ultimate conclusion that I could live over there because I mastered the biggest obstacle.....I CAN drive the car. The gear shift being on the left is actually much easier for me because well...I'm left-handed!! So it is official...I can live there!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A bit Early..

Well I am back a bit early. The main cause was rain..lots of it. But an underlying cause was my family's sense of spontaneity! For my birthday my dad bought me tickets to see Dane Cook, my all time favorite comedian. Well, then there is the case of Mother's Day. I thought it would be nice to do something different this year. Not have the same old card and breakfast. However, I didn't realize how different we would go. We will be leaving Sunday from Philadelphia and flying to Ireland. It will be an adventure at best. This trip is in celebration of not only Mother's Day but also my parent's upcoming 25th anniversary!

Talk about crazy. I thought my summer was going to be filled with nothing but time on my hands. I had no idea that the moment I got home I would be on the move...constantly...fortunately, I had a few days to myself to read and write and paint. Yes, I painted. I was actually very crafty during my time away. I even started and finished a long overdue scrapbook of my Senior Year!