Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Graduate School Applications can DIE!

I hate applications. Everything about them just drives me mad. The personal statements; the repetition on name, address, phone number; and the irritating need for transcripts. In the past school years of my life I have attended three, count them three, colleges. Yes I currently only attend Longwood University, but I took a class at Virginia Tech and did dual enrollment at Virginia Western. That may seem all fine a dandy, but just you wait. When you are applying to graduate school they need every detail. Every last one. In order for me to be considered I have to submit all three transcripts to all nine schools. That is 27 transcript requests and 27 transcript fees. It adds up. Especially if you add the nine application fees to it. It costs an arm and maybe 1/4 of a leg to even apply to school. And that gives no guarantee of actually being accepted. Oh the agony, the torture, the stress. So I will again state that graduate school applications can in fact DIE! I will be thrilled when I have turned them all in and said good riddance to them. At this point in time I dont even care if I get in, I just want the applications to be finished!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

...Christmas Break...

A well-deserved break from the normal college life. Something we all need to be able to go back and continue strenuous learning.

Currently I am going on my 3rd day of break. Today I did nothing but sit around and watch old films. I baked fruit leather and ordered pizza. It seems ideal but sitting alone on a rainy day is somewhat depressing. Yes, I enjoyed the silence of no expectation, but I also felt as though when I am older I wont like to be alone. It has its moments, I must say.

I still have 3 weeks left of my break. I feel as though once it gets exciting I will lose track of everything and the time will fly quickly. So let's just enjoy the lonesome rainy days baking away in the kitchen shall we...

Friday, December 11, 2009


I have just finished my last Chemistry Final of my undergrad career. It was the same day that I realized I had just completed my final Fall Semester. It was a sad yet glorious day.

That is all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Library...

This is a tale like no other. It begins in a small college town in the middle of nowhere. A young girl walks towards a giant building that threatens to consume her soul. Every light is on and through the looming windows she can see shadows of people that are no more. This threat is unlike one she has ever encountered. The thoughts of all she must endure are swimming around in her mind causing her much pain. As she walks through the doors that sense her presence, she catches sight of all those she once knew. She finds a spot in the midst of the familiar faces and slowing drifts off into a slumber. The sights and sounds around her are so strange and unusual. She cannot fully grasp the depth of them. There are conversations all around of things unimaginable to her mind. The faces of those closest to her are blank and distant. The eyes show no emotion. She is lost in the crowd. After many hours she doesnt even recognize herself. This nightmare seems to go on forever and never wants to end. This is the Library and this is Exam week.