Saturday, February 7, 2009


My semester has begun. I have yet to have a real test but I am feeling every bit of stressed out. My classes arent too bad but the work that goes along with them is killer. I am constantly working on some form of homework and I am always doing something school related. I have no developed a sleeping problem and for awhile an eating problem. The latter something I worked on to fix...because we all know I dont need an eating problem. I go to bed early some nights but end up waking about 5 times a night. The nights where I go to bed really late are the nights when I get up really early. I drink extra coffee to keep me awake during the day but then I stay up longer at night. It's a viscous cycle. But I will recover eventually. 

I just hope that the stress goes away soon. I dont see that happening though due to three killer tests coming up. But you never know.