Sunday, February 28, 2010

I miss old-fashioned letters. Love letters, business letters, any kind of letter.

I realize that e-mail is quicker but snail-mail is personal. A deeper connection than most realize.

I really do miss letters.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Youth is Wasted

Whoever said "youth is wasted on the young" was a brilliant person. It's true. We are young, but what do we do with our youth!? We spend all of our time in school, inside a building, not out enjoying the gift of nature. In our youth we obsess over the future and what it has to offer, we never once stop and think about our present moment or the past regrets. Sometimes it is good to look ahead, however, other times it would be useful to just Be. By the time our future comes we wont even notice it because we will have another future to plan out and so on and so forth. When we are old and decrepit and there is no reason to plan for the future we will finally be allowed to think of the current situation. By that time it is too late. All of our energy will be gone, our desires to do anything, basically our youth. We will then spend the next phase of our lives regretting the past and all the wasted adventures. If only we all lived as Benjamin Button, a fictional character who got to experience the prime of his life only after he learned to appreciate it.

I am a lucky youth. My family has never been the type to let an opportunity slip by. We jump on planes in the blink of an eye for destinations we picked out of a hat. We dont plan moments, we just do them. Last summer we went to Ireland, we planned that trip in 3 days because our flight left in 5. Over Christmas break we went to Las Vegas simply because we could. This summer we are planning a trip, to Hawaii, for reasons unknown to me. I am always going to embrace the present, and will never let the future hinder me. Yes, I need to think more and more about my future, but I have faith it will work out no matter how I get there.

Youth will not be wasted on me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today is February 22. To most this is just another ordinary day. To me it has no meaning, but as of today I only have 11 days until Spring Break. That doesnt seem like something to write about and in all honesty it isnt. But I must admit that I am rather sick of campus and everything that goes with it. Im stir-crazy. I need an escape. I must get away from this place before I am permanently put in an asylum somewhere. School is tough, but when you are always surrounded by it, it gets worse. Much worse. So I am happy for Monday, February 22, because I now only have 11 more days until freedom.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear Void,

I'm stuck. The honest truth is I have so much I want to say, I just don't know how to start. It's suppose to be easy, you just sit and type and what comes out comes out. But it's not that simple. I started a blog to help ease my thoughts. To allow the words I can't say out loud to be free. Unfortunately I have come to find that when I can actually sit and talk about what it is that is bothering me, the words just don't jump onto the page. Instead I get a mess of phrases that make no sense when put together. This is a prime example of how I am unable to express myself.

I'm stressed. There is nothing else to say about that, it's true. I have no solution and I can't pin-point a single cause. It just is what it is. I lack the ability to cope. I always have. I used to sleep it off, or trudge through the muck. Now, I find it harder to keep going. The stresses of life have increased and they all come at the same moments. I have no time to sleep and not enough time to function. However, I realize that the time sitting here typing out my frustration, I could've accomplished one thing on my list. Would I then be any less stressed? The answer is simple. No. I would still have the weight of the world, or as it seems to me, on my shoulders. I would still be pulling my hair out trying to get things done. The difference, well that's easy, I would have kept it all bottled up inside of me instead of letting it out. At least this way it is out in the deep void.

I'm done. I'm done ranting about the meaningless problems in my life. I'm done obsessing over the past. I'm done trying to put on a good front. I'm done. Simply done. I know that there will come a day when I feel the need to waste my time and that of whoever may read this on another meaningless complaint, but until then I'm done. It may help me feel better about it, but it won't make it go away. I'm sick of caring, when others don't. I'm tired of giving my all and only getting a fraction of effort in return. It's exhausting and I'm over it.

Thank you for your attention,
The Mindless Blogger

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day

I havent updated my life in quite some time. Maybe it is because nothing ever happens in my life that is worth mentioning. And the only reason Im updating now is because I have a tiny bit of news. I have submitted all of my graduate applications and all I have left is to wait and see. Just wait and see. I have also purchased my graduation information and sent in my diploma request. It is quite nerve racking, but what can you do.

Alright so that is all that has happened in my meek existence. And when/if something else arises I will be more than happy to post it. Until then...