Monday, August 16, 2010

Me? A Yogi?

After moving all of my stuff into my new room and unpacking all of the boxes and bags, my body retaliated. Every muscle in every limb hurt to move. I know that means I did something wrong in the moving process but I dont care, they still hurt. So I decided to do something about it.

I recently read Eat, Pray, Love and the way yoga was described and how it made her feel actually made me want to try it. After the tension in my shoulders wouldnt let me relax I decided to. I did an internet search online to find some stretched for shoulders and lower back. I downloaded the six videos from my iTunes and tried the PM video for relaxation before bed.

AMAZING! My entire body felt relaxed and loose. My shoulders still held some of the pain from the days before but they felt 100 times better. I was actually able to lay down and go to sleep. Pain free.

When I woke up I did the stretches from the AM video, which was supposed to wake your body up and loosen the joints. Again I felt fantastic.

Day 1 of DC exploration:

Started by walking six blocks down and three blocks up to find the nearest bank (BB&T). Not so bad. I ended that journey by stopping by Uptown Cafe and grabbing lunch. I then walked back to my apt and spent a few hours resting and cooling off.

After being fully recovered from the previous adventure, I decided to see exactly how far away Georgetown was. Driving there isnt so bad, but walking? Really not that bad. To get there I walked five blocks up and five blocks over. I ended up in front of a huge Barnes and Nobles and figured it was the perfect place to rest. I bought a delicious raspberry smoothie and rested for about 20 minutes. I ended up passing a yoga stand and decided to buy a mat. While looking at them I found a beginners kit and settled for that (it included a mat, block, strap, and DVD). I also ended up buying yet another book (how could I not?). When asked if I needed a bag I replied yes, why should I carry the big box all the way back to the apt, I was charged five cents for a bag that wasnt big enough so I ended up carrying it anyway!

So I guess I am a Yogi. Well almost. It's not like Im taking classes or anything. Maybe once my flexibility is where I want it to be.

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