Saturday, June 27, 2009

Where did it all go?

So in May, I kept complaining that it was lasting too long. I made the comment that it felt as though all 3 months of summer were fit into one month. It seemed to last forever. Giving me the impression that summer would last too long.

However, June came along eventually. As it progressed I began to realize that it wasn't long enough. Ironic. I got the feeling that my summer was dwindling. Now the end of June is near and it seems as though it started yesterday.

July is only too close and I'm not sure I want it to vanish quickly. I fear it might. For in August I will have but a short time until I embark on my last adventure at Longwood.

And too soon will the world be open to me and I must go into it.

Oh how I wish I hadn't underestimated the length of May.