Sunday, August 23, 2009


Longwood has welcomed me with open arms yet again. I moved into my new APARTMENT on wednesday and I must say "I'm lovin' it" (I'm right next to McDs). My apartment building has a starbucks in the bottom..along with the bookstore (Barnes and Nobles). The building across from mine has a Moe's Mexican restaurant and the one right next door has a Chic-Fil-A. Can I say "here comes FATTY!".

Okay, so the story is I'm back. The problem is class starts tomorrow and it's my final year. Sounds like a wonderful adventure where the girl looks deep into life's serious questions and finds herself at the end of the perilous journey, not to mention a dreamy hunk of a guy comes into play.

Wouldn't that be nice!?! well, we shall see is all I can say. BUT, I am very nervous about classes starting tomorrow. The nice thing is I know someone in every class....the bad thing is...I know someone in every class. Usually it's a great thing, however, there was drama last year with a few of them and I wish I didn't have to see them everyday!

But that's over and out as I like to say. See ya on the flip side as they said in the '80s. And remember: Always Look On The Brightside of Life.



  1. Good Luck Meg! and also, since you've lost like 20 pounds, it's okay to have all that food near by. Love you! :)

  2. thank you mel! and yes it is nice..but dont forget i have gained some of it back :) haha
