Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The semester needs to end...NOW

This semester has ultimately been flawless...until now. I find myself not knowing what time or even what day it is. This is probably not good. I wake up in the mornings and have to actually look at a calendar to see where I am suppose to go. I believe this is a true sign of exhaustion.

This morning for example, I woke up at 7:45 due to my alarm. I turned it off and sat there wondering why I was waking up so early on a Thursday (usually 9 on tues/thurs). I really was puzzled and even set my alarm for 9. Just as I was about to lay back down I realized it was really Wednesday! How horrible is that?

I think I need a break. A long break. Unfortunately, these last few weeks of school are going to be the toughest and the ones where I really need to know what's going on.

Wish me all the luck you can! I am seriously going to need it!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it honey! And if it makes you feel any better I have finals next week so I might die, but if I can make it through the last few weeks before the end of the semester, you can do it too, only 10000 times better :)

    Love love love you! <3

    call me if you need to vent or let go of your load or need to find a morale boost. I'm there for you. :)
