Monday, November 23, 2009

My Superstition

Horoscopes. Those pesky little "fortune tellers" that most of us read on a daily basis. Why do we do that? Is it to find some meaningful statement about the lives we dont understand? I'm really not so sure. I confess that I spend 5 minutes of my morning reading a horoscope. I never know what I'm going to find. I guess most days I just want it to tell me what I want to hear, like how life will be wonderful or my day will run smoothly. I realize that horoscopes can't determine how my life/day goes, but it makes me feel better to see that the cosmic universe as told to an unknown person isn't against me. However, with my daily intake of superstition there is a love horoscope. You know those Leo in the fourth moon crap that nobody really understands. Well, mine always says the same thing: Love is around the corner. Luckily whoever writes it puts it in a different format each day to hide the fact that it's the same, but come on I am in college. Now I realize that that is the safe way to ensure it is somewhat right. But, how can love be around the corner everday!? I mean eventually we would all be running in circles to find the one thing we all are really looking for. Now who looks stupid. I feel as though I will never understand why anyone reads horoscopes, including myself. I used to think it was because mine always seemed to be right, but "even a broken clock is right twice a day". I will probably continue to pollute my mind with silly anecdotes about a life I am not ready to fully appreciate. All the mysteries, secrets crevices, and exciting adventures that are still to come. One day I may be able to look at a horoscope and not have the expectation of a "fortune" being told. One day.

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