Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday, 1/20/09, at 12 noon the nation welcomed a new president. Every four years we are used to getting something different, something new, but this year we welcomed change and progress and history. This was the year that the first African-American was elected president. We welcomed him the day following Martin Luther King Jr.'s remembrance. Obama promises change, advancement, and security. He also values unity and is striving to bring all different people together. Whether or not he will succeed will depend on every person in the U.S. He cannot do it alone and we must all come together to better our nation. He is faced with much opposition and hate. Those that do not want him as their president will do what it takes to make sure he doesnt succeed, but they will not be hurting just one person, they will be hurting themselves. The people of this country do not have to like their president, many did not care for Bush, but they do have to support the man in office. I hope the Obama can carry out all of his promises, for he could better the world, but I hope that we do not let his skin get in the way of our judgement. And if he fails, it is not because he is black, it will be because he was not trusted. 

I support our new Commander in Chief, and I will do my part to help. 

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